Making Buckram Better
Traditional buckram has been produced from 100% cotton for decades but at Parkin® this is about to change. Our upgrades won't just make buckram better for manufacturers, they will also make it better for the planet.
By the final quarter of 2022, Parkin® will be delivering buckram which is no longer made from 100% cotton. Instead, it will be produced from a new generation of yarns made from recycling used cotton products and spun on the most economically advanced machines. Making these changes is not only important to us; we know how valuable it is to you that every metre you use is helping our future to be more environmentally sustainable.
For years the most common width for buckram was 90cm; the increase to 107cm was purely for manufacturers and their blocking machines. Changing the width to 91cm will mean a reduction on raw materials for every metre that is produced. There will be savings on spinning and shipping costs and the reduced width will also help to save waste on the cutting table which will benefit both customers and manufacturers alike.
Parkin® is proud to be making buckram better and fit for the future!